Let's start by pre-conditions
www1 and www2 are two websites using ps 1.5.x
=> then we have two domains (or domain and subdomain ), 2 databases and 2 prestashop working folders.
how merge ?
1- login on BO of www1
2- Activate multishop support (preferences-> generales) (may be translated) and register
3- Now may see a new menu item "multi-shop" in advanced parameters menu.
now ps is ready to work on multishop mode
4- copy the theme of www2 in the themes directory of www1
=> if the theme of www2 (the second web site) has the same name as the first one, you must change its name then (let say 'theme2')
5- Now enter the menu item multi-shop (step 3)
you will see at the left a tree but with only one item (the name of www1)
6- Click add a shop
i- enter the name of your site (www2)
ii- let the two combos as they are
iii- choose the theme (step 4 normally)
you may then choose a least one category (default) from the tree of categories
iv- import data ? no
Now we have to link our shop to its url
7- Click add link
enter web site surl of site www2 (exp: www.mysite2.com) in both http and ssl modes
8- Don't forget to activate url rewriting !
(preferences -> SEO and URLs )
Great now it will not work surely :)
9- What's the problem ?
We are searching to merge data and files => one BO (back office) and one global folder containing the two sites.
In Cpanel /plesk/etc ....
www1 -> xxx/public_html/www1
www2-> xxx/public_html/www1
www1 and www2 are two websites using ps 1.5.x
=> then we have two domains (or domain and subdomain ), 2 databases and 2 prestashop working folders.
how merge ?
1- login on BO of www1
2- Activate multishop support (preferences-> generales) (may be translated) and register
3- Now may see a new menu item "multi-shop" in advanced parameters menu.
now ps is ready to work on multishop mode
4- copy the theme of www2 in the themes directory of www1
=> if the theme of www2 (the second web site) has the same name as the first one, you must change its name then (let say 'theme2')
5- Now enter the menu item multi-shop (step 3)
6- Click add a shop
i- enter the name of your site (www2)
ii- let the two combos as they are
iii- choose the theme (step 4 normally)
you may then choose a least one category (default) from the tree of categories
iv- import data ? no
Now we have to link our shop to its url
7- Click add link
enter web site surl of site www2 (exp: www.mysite2.com) in both http and ssl modes
8- Don't forget to activate url rewriting !
(preferences -> SEO and URLs )
Great now it will not work surely :)
9- What's the problem ?
We are searching to merge data and files => one BO (back office) and one global folder containing the two sites.
In Cpanel /plesk/etc ....
www1 -> xxx/public_html/www1
www2-> xxx/public_html/www1
Hi, thanks for your great article! i have one more question about step 9. i have my shop2 on other server (it was created long before multistore decision). can i just copy the shop2 folder to the new server? how can i point then to prestashop where it is and will it work if i just copy it? or i have to do some more steps? thanks!